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actuarial news
A long time coming – the Insurance Capital Standard
There is finally light at the end of the tunnel for the Insurance Capital Standard, due to arrive internationally next year. Inside-trackers Natika Reddock and Kenny Cheng explain it, and its relation to Solvency II.
Following the 2008 global financial crisis, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) received a mandate from the Financial Stability Board and G20 leaders to develop a Common Framework for the supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIGs).

actuarial news
The new Solvency II-style rules in East Asia
Chris Howells and Ruolin Wang take us through new Solvency II-style rules in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan as these markets weave new tapestries of regulation.
We are often asked, ‘What are the regulatory implications of xyz in Asia?’ In truth, there’s no such place as ‘Asia’: it is a huge region with differing markets, legislation and financial systems, and we need to dig deeper

actuarial news
Funeral assurers get ultimatum over IFRS 17
The Insurance and Pensions Commission (Ipec) has given funeral assurers until September to comply with the International Financial Reporting Standard 17 (IFRS 17) implementation or face consequences, as none have complied thus far.
The IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, replaces IFRS 4 and governs accounting for insurance contracts from January 1, 2023.
It shifts the focus from a premium-centric model to one emphasizing service delivery and risk release, aiming for a more accurate reflection of an insurer’s performance and revenue recognition timing.
It shifts the focus from a premium-centric model to one emphasizing service delivery and risk release, aiming for a more accurate reflection of an insurer’s performance and revenue recognition timing.

actuarial news
Interpreting IFRS: The Evolving Role of Agenda Decisions
he interpretation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)1 is particularly relevant because of their global diffusion, which makes it challenging to reconcile the needs and values of jurisdictional constituents with the need of setting international accounting standards.
Indeed, the increase in number of jurisdictions adopting IFRS over the last two decades has resulted in a growing variety of constituents’ requests to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), especially considering their different accounting traditions.

actuarial news
Insurers urged to take three-step approach to IFRS 17
Successful implementations of the incoming accounting standard IFRS 17 have taken a three-step approach, with rushed projects resulting in suboptimal results and increased effort.
hat is according to FIS' head of insurance risk solutions management and strategy, Martin Sarjeant, who said large-scale projects have followed a typical pattern.
Successful firms have first focused on building models, before then working on data and finally optimising processes, with thorough preparation "always" paying off.
Sarjeant also revealed that South Korean insurers are leading the race to compliance, largely because these companies are also planning for the capital standard K-ICS.